Applied Philosophy

Venue: St. Cuthbert's Church Centre, Lytham Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 3AR.
We usually meet in the The Melrose Room.
Day: 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Time: Promptly at 2pm, closing at 4pm.
Group Leader Kay Harrison. Contact Kay by clicking here


We are a lively and friendly group from a multitude of backgrounds who come together to use philosophical approaches to learn more about a variety of topics of interest and to attempt to apply them to life and questions of philosophy in general.
In Applied Philosophy we think about issues that affect the way we live in society. We use philosophical type concepts in that we examine the thinking process but we are not as 'academic' as the other Philosophy groups; we try to relate the concepts to our own lives and what may be going on, or has gone on, in the world. The discussions are lively and friendly and members usually receive handouts or links to websites via email for perusal beforehand and any preparation they may wish to do.

Topics that have recently been presented by members have included

  • Decision Making in Britain
  • The Supernatural
  • Fear
  • Open Questions
  • Personal Decision Making about Health
  • How Will Our Descendants Judge Us?
  • Biological Determinism & Death and Dying
  • Political Correctness
  • Misogyny

Forthcoming topics presented by individual members include:

  • Stoicism
  • When is change good? and when it is bad?
  • 12 Rules for life
  • What is fair
  • Philosophy & Mental Health