
Group Leader Gael Hughes-Jones  Contact Gael

Drama is still proving to be a very popular group. Our numbers reflect this. With such large numbers it is difficult finding suitable plays so our plays are written in-house which has proved successful to date.


The Drama group meets on every 2nd and 4th Monday afternoon of the month from 2-4pm at Galloway Hall, Brackenbury Road, Fulwood. New members please contact me before attending as occasionally the venue needs to change.


Background of the group
The PADUTA Players was established in 2014 in the Farne Loft Room at St Cuthbert's Church when a small group got together to discuss the possibility of forming a u3a Drama Group. Since then we have gone from strength to strength, and now have a large group. We have performed many plays, pantomimes and sketches over the years, in the Northumbria Hall at St Cuthbert's, at PNE and at Fulwood Free Methodist Church, but now our regular performance venue is Christ Church, Fulwood where we have progressed to performing on stage with curtains which is much more satisfactory, and enables us to scene change more easily.


Following an article in the national u3a magazine we hired two of our plays to other u3a groups and had good feedback.

Contact Gael by clicking here. For security purposes please include your telephone number on any e-mail.