Easy Walks

Walk to Fishwick Bottoms - Ribble River

Group Leader Alan Cross

The Easy Walks Group meets on the 4th Thursday of the month in the morning. Please contact me for more info via contact form or or phone on 07785 560573.


Easy Walks Guidelines

1. Regular - usually the same time and day each month, starting and ending at the same place. Some walks will take place in local parks.
2. Short - no longer than 90 minutes, normally around 60 minutes.
3. Easy - accessible to all, particularly people who are currently inactive, and accessible by public transport. Usually take place on surfaced paths.
4. Free to u3a members.
5. Led by a designated Walk Leader each month.
6. Sociable - with new walkers welcomed and often a cafe or pub stop at the end, the object being to help participants enjoy the social and health benefits of walking.



Thursday 27th February, Leader Betsy Stringer from the Packhorse bridge, Broadgate further details to follow.

Thursday 27th March, Leaders Bob & Vivienne Hayes from the Pig & whistle pub at Lea, further details to follow.

Thursday 24th April Leader Tony Cheetham details to follow.

All walks 10.45 for 11.00 am start.


Before attending any outdoor group meeting you must read the "Participant Risk Assessment" - click here.


Updated Dog policy:

  • A maximum of 2 dogs can be taken on a walk

  • Due to the limit on dog numbers, members from other u3as will not be able to attend with their dogs

  • The dog owner must ring the walk leader and book in. If they do not do this, there may not be a place for them on the walk

  • The walk leader can reserve the right to have no dogs on their walk if that walk is considered unsuitable for dogs, for example the walk goes through fields with lots of cows and calves or sheep or wall stiles

  • The dogs must be on a lead, obedient and well behaved

  • If it is felt the dog is not suitably behaved, it will not be allowed to come on future walks

This Policy will be reviewed and may be changed by the walking group leader in consultation with the committee if it is felt it is not working