Interest Groups, venues and timings

Most Interest Groups meet at various venues in Fulwood & Ashton. Some meet at members' homes and others are out and about. Click here for more details of where group meetings take place.


Groups usually meet monthly, but some more often. Each group page will give more detailed information. If you are not a regular attendee at the group meetings, you should check with the group leader before attending. 

Shortcut to a quick summary of groups and the days they take place on click here

For a full summary of groups with links to further information, click here


Groups that are out  and about often meet on different weekdays rather than a regular day or time each month, so checking with the Group Leader is essential to avoid disappointment. Outdoor meetings may involve admission fees and/or shared petrol costs depending on the location.

If you cannot see anything that interests you, it could be you are a lively minded person with a new interest to share and the potential to start and lead a new group. Join Preston & District U3A and share your knowledge and skills - that's what the u3a is all about!  

Applied Philosophy  Wednesday p.m. 3rd Wednesday  SCC

Archaeology   Monday p.m. 1st Monday  SCC

Art Monday a.m. 2nd Monday   SCC

Art Appreciation Thursday p.m. 4th Thursday  AMC

Bird Watching, Natural History Wednesday 1st Wednesday (outdoor) 

Bridge Tuesday 1.30pm 1st & 3rd Tuesday  SCC

Canasta 2nd Tuesday & 4th Thursday  SCC

Chair Dance TBA

Chess Tuesday p.m. 3rd Tuesday

Cookery Friday a.m. Fourth Friday AMC

Crafts Monday p.m. 4th Monday  SCC

Creative Writing  Wednesday 2-4 p.m. 2nd Wednesday  SCC

Crosswords Group Friday a.m. 1st Friday   SCC

Crown Green Bowls Saturday a.m. (outdoor) Every Week   

Culture Live Occasional a.m. meetings SCC

Current Affairs 3rd Tuesday 2pm

Cycling  Wednesday p.m. 3rd Wednesday  (outdoor) 

Discussion Tuesday a.m. 3rd Tuesday of month

Drama Monday p.m. 2nd & 4th Monday GH

Easy Walks Thursday  4th Thursday (outdoor)  

Family History Wednesday p.m. 4th Wednesday SCC

Flower Arranging Friday a.m. 4th  Friday  SCC

Folk Dancing  Friday a.m. 3rd Friday  SCC

French  Monday p.m.  2nd Monday  SCC

French Beginners  Tuesday a.m.  2nd Tuesday  HCL

French Conversation  Monday a.m.  4th Monday

Gardening  Friday p.m.  Meetings as arranged + visits  SMI

German Beginners  Tuesday p.m.  2nd Tuesday  HCL

German Intermediate Thursday a.m.  2nd Thursday  SCC

Using Your German   Tuesday a.m.  1st of the Month  SCC


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Information Technology  Tuesday a.m.  2nd Tuesday   AMC

Italian  Thursday a.m.  1st Thursday  SCC

Keyboard Playing  Thursday p.m.  4th Thursday  GH

Line Dancing  Tuesday p.m.  2nd & 4th Tuesday  SCC

Local History group 2  Thursday p.m.  4th Thursday, mainly outdoor

Meet & Eat  Various Days and venues

MOTO (Members on Their Own)  Days & Dates variable

Moving On (Bereavement Group)  Thursdays 12.30–2.30pm

Music group 1  Monday p.m. 1st Monday

Music group 2  Friday a.m.  2nd Friday  SCC

Music group 3  Monday p.m.  3rd Monday  SCC

Petanque  Wednesday a.m.  1st Wednesday

Philosophy  Thursday p.m.  1st Thursday  SCC

Photography  Thursday pm  2nd Thursday  SCC

Play Reading  Thursday a.m.  2nd Thursday  SCC

Poetry Appreciation  Wednesday p.m. 1st Wednesday   SCC

Reading  Monday a.m.  1st Monday  SCC

Reading (pm)  Wednesday p.m. 3rd Wednesday SMI

Recorders  Monday p.m.  1st & 3rd Monday  GH

Scrabble  Wednesday p.m. 3rd Wednesday  SCC

Spanish Improvers   Wednesday p.m.  2nd Wednesday  SCC

Table Tennis  Friday p.m. 1st & 3rd Friday  AMC

Tai Chi  Monday a.m.  1st & 3rd Monday  AMC

Theatre Visits  Various venues, check with group leader  

Ukulele Group   Wednesday p.m. 4th Wednesday  IMC

Walking  1st Tues., 3rd Mon. (outdoor)

Whist  Tuesday p.m.  4th Tuesday  SCC

Yoga  Wednesday a.m. 2nd & 4th (1 session)  SMI


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Mon am Art / French Conversation / Reading / Tai Chi |  Mon pm Archaeology / Crafts / Drama / French  / Music 1 / Music 3 / Recorders

Tues am Discussion / French Beginners / Information Technology / Using Your German | Tues pm Bridge /  Chess /  German Beginners /  Line Dancing / Social Science Perspectives /  Whist

Weds am Petanque / Yoga | Weds pm Applied Philosophy /  Creative Writing  /  Cycling  / Family History /  Local History 1 /  Poetry Appreciation /   Reading (Afternoon) /  Scrabble /  Spanish Improvers Ukulele Group

Thurs am German (Intermediate) /  Italian  /  Play Reading | Thurs pm Art Appreciation  / Keyboard Playing /  Local History 2 /  Philosophy

Fri am Cookery /   Crosswords /  Flower Arranging /  Folk Dancing /   Music 2 |  Fri pm Gardening  / Table Tennis

Sat Crown Green Bowls

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