Keyboard Playing

Group Leader: Graham Wilkinson

We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month from 2 - 4 pm at Galloway Hall, Brackenbury Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 3BS (a 2-minute drive from St Cuthbert's Church Centre and parking is easy).

Please speak with or email the group leader, Graham Wilkinson by clicking here 


The keyboard group is a friendly self-help group who would welcome new members, from competent players to complete beginners. It does help if you already have some knowledge of music and maybe even had experience of playing a musical instrument but all levels of ability are welcome. We look forward to playing some tunes with you.


You will need transport to take your keyboard to Galloway Hall, but if you do not already own one or carrying it would be a problem, there are several keyboards at the Hall for you to try before purchasing one of your own.