Moving on: Bereavement Group

Our Group meets on a monthly basis on a Thursday lunchtime 12.30–2.30 pm, week variable.


This Group has been formed for widows, widowers or those who have lost a loved one.

Our Group offers mutual support and companionship and the opportunity to socialise with individuals who have lost a partner and are therefore able to empathise with their situation.


We for lunch once a month on a Thursday at a local pub. In addition to the lunch the Group members accompany each other on theatre trips, visits to the cinema, shopping trips etc. These trip and outings are organised by Individuals within the Group, so the lunch “get-togethers” provide an ideal opportunity to plan social outings. Group members are encouraged to bring to each lunch details of any events they would like to attend with a companion.


Please contact Joan Corcoran if you wish to attend lunches or need any further information about the group by clicking here.