Music Group 2

Meets 2nd Friday of the month between 10.00 am - 12.00 noon at Melrose Room, St. Cuthbert's Church Centre, Lytham Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 3AR

Group Leader: Stewart Lyell contact by clicking here.


There Is a different theme each month and members bring along tracks on one or two CDs which connect to, or illustrate, the theme. This results in a wide range of music at each meeting.

New members are very welcome.


The programme for 2025 is as follows:


Month               Theme              

February           Music for Dancing - ballroom, ballet, folk, etc.

March               Seasons of the Year              

April                  The letter B

May                   Buildings

June                  Lakes, Rivers, Waterways

July                   Clothing

August              Track 5 on any CD

September       Weather

October            Emotions

November        People – family, friends, neighbours, etc.

December        Festive and Seasonal