The Ukelele Group

The ukulele is going through a revival just now and its lilting tones can be heard in commercials, pop songs and TV shows. I hope that we can gain a lot of pleasure and pride from learning and playing fun tunes and songs, though singing is not compulsory.


This group had it’s first meeting in February 2019. It is aimed at beginners, though experienced players are made very welcome (if only to give the rest of us some hope!). If you have a ukulele, dust it off and bring it along. If you don’t, then a limited number of instruments will be available to use.


The group currently has places available, so please contact the Group Leader (Sue Stephenson) if you would like to join us.


Day/Time: 4th Wednesday of the month, 2pm to 4pm

Venue: Ingol Methodist Church, Tag Lane, Ingol, Preston, PR2 3XA


Group Leader: Sue Stephenson


Cost: As this is now an untutored group the cost will be £3.00