

Venue: St Margaret's Church hall, Ingol, Preston PR2 3ZU

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month

Time: 9.45 - 11.15 am

Cost: £4.00 per session to cover cost of teacher and hall hire

Group leader: Sheila Finch

Yoga teacher: Helen Frost

For more details contact Sheila by clicking here.


The hall is heated in winter but I recommend you bring something warm for relaxation time like a blanket or an extra jumper, you will also need a yoga mat.

The Yoga group has an experienced and qualified yoga teacher. Come along and give it a try. You don't have to be physically fit or flexible and it's appropriate for all ages, both men and women. New members welcome

Have you found it difficult turning your neck when driving? Getting up from the floor? Easily out of breath? Aches and pains? Difficulty sleeping? Can't stretch your arms up or bend down? Sometimes feel stressed or depressed? Then this class is for you!


What will Yoga do for you?

It will improve your overall fitness and health; encourage greater mobility; reduce stress and tension; improve your balance; help you breathe better; move better; improve your circulation which in turn helps other organs function better.

Wear loose clothing e.g. tracksuit and bring a bottle of water and a yoga mat, if you like the use of a block to sit on or for your head, please bring one.

Come and have a giggle at us as we try to improve our balance by standing on one leg!

You are neither too young nor too old to start doing Yoga. No matter what your age or your condition, you can start doing yoga from today and can feel it's amazing benefits. New members will be made most welcome.

Contact: For more details contact Sheila by clicking above.